writetomechaitali@gmail.com 033-24165582, 9830168171,9434730489


Tooth have a pulp which is the live portion of the tooth where the nerves present that extends into the root and contains nerve endings and tissues. If the nerves become infected or inflamed patient can experiences pain and swelling –then a successful root canal treatment restore the tooth rather pull it out. Remaining the tooth in proper position prevent your other teeth from drifting out of line causing jaw-problems. By R.C.T we can avoid to replace tooth with an artificial one.
Many patients associate root canal treatment with pain and discomfort, but local anesthetics and advancements in modern dentistry have made root canal treatment highly tolerable procedures. More than 9 out of 10 Teethwel root canal procedures are successful and most treatments last many years or even a lifetime.


Q)) Am I a candidate for root canal ?

If tooth decay allow bacteria to infect the pulp inside tooth –then root canal treatment is right for you to preserve the natural tooth, instead of extraction. Schedule a dental exam and consultation at your earliest convenience.

Q)) What should I expect during my root canal treatment?

The first step in Root canal procedure will involve a local anesthetic. Once your tooth is numb, the diseased portion of pulp will be removed and potentially treated for bacterial infection .The tooth will then be sealed and filled before being restored with a crown.

Q)) What type of post –treatment care is required after a root canal treatment ?

It is normal for teeth to become inflamed after a root canal, potentially causing sensitivity for the first several days following treatment. However routine maintainance like brushing ,flossing can be started immediately after treatment and restoration is complete.s